Testimonials and Recommendations

Our partners

We look forward to working with you again.

  • “Epoch Geoservices has been an integral part of our drilling operations since they joined the team. Epoch has provided us with top notch mud gas detection, sample descriptions, sample photographs, shale stability analyses, realtime XRF analyses, and more all while communicating effectively with our on-site drilling team to ensure that our lateral are optimally placed.

    Epoch's analytical capabilities have also been integral to our pilot hole evaluation programs. The level of data collected by Epoch wellsite geologists and mudloggers has allowed us to evaluate multiple landing targets and new zones with rock cuttings at a level of detail that nearly rivals core data quality. This has enabled us to triple the amount of reservoir characterization that we have been able to accomplish in the last 3 years with no increase to our budget.

    Epoch has provided us with service like no other and we are proud they are part of the XCL operations team. ”

    - Josh Sigler | VP Geology | XCL Resources

  • “Epoch Geoservices is the best of the best when it comes to mudlogging! They go way beyond the run-of-the-mill cuttings description and rubber stamp interpretations that you get from other companies. Their descriptions and logs are incredibly detailed and are adjusted to meet the needs of the client. They have become an integral part of our targeting and geosteering process via real time communication with our geosteering consultants and the geologists at WEM. We also benefit from targeted sampling, elemental datasets, and constant gas readings. When in doubt, we always call our Epoch folks first because they are so reliable. We won't drill with any other mudlogging company!”

    - Stephen Phillips | VP of Geoscience | Wasatch Energy Management

  • “Dusty Parker and Tanner Posey have now mud logged 8 wells and counting for Enduring Resources in the San Juan Basin. They have done a superb job for us and I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for the next level of service that can come from truly great on-site geologists. What sets them apart is the level of detail they put into their mud logs, their curiosity and ability to troubleshoot when they see something out of place, and their level of communication with me, the operations geologist, and everyone on location from the drilling superintendent to the directional driller, tool pusher, and mud engineer. Their expertise with Mass Spectrometry has helped us identify our horizontal targets zones, their quick communication on changing lithology has helped us with geosteering, and their mud logs have proven invaluable sources of information that  we return to time and again. I’ve drilled hundreds of wells and worked with many different mud loggers. These guys are the best I’ve worked with to date.”

    - Raffaello Sacerdoti | Geologist |Enduring Resources

  • “EPOCH Geoservices, not sure where to begin… So, I will start here, this crew is world-class; in fact, it is a disservice to call this gang mud-loggers, they are well-site geologists! The EPOCH crew provides top-notch well-site services in all aspects of the game which includes exceptional communication, detailed logging descriptions, journal quality photos, and informative data such as XRF, mass-spec, falcon tubes, and so much more. Their mass-spec and XRF programs have been game changers as we [XCL] have been able to use the data to improve vertical and horizontal drilling efficiencies as well as improve targeting based on correlations to production. I highly recommend this group if you are a company that is into using data to better understand your rocks.”

    - Matt Jones | Operations Geologist | XCL Resources

  • “We drilled a well in Campbell County, WY testing the Minnelusa Formation with Epoch Geoservices.

    This group created the best mudlog I have ever seen. We have drilled wells all over the continental US and we have never seen such detail and hard work put into a mudlog. Not only was the work exceptional but they were incredibly helpful with the drilling of the well. The dedication and amount of hours they stayed awake to make sure they caught all the samples while we were going through our target zone was incredible. Great group of geoscientists. Would highly recommend them for your next drill.”

    “5 Star Rating”

    - Michael Ferguson | Geologist | Trace Oil and Gas

  • “We have used Dusty Parker analyzing the Mass Spectrometry data on 3 wells for us in the Uinta Basin to support our delineation program.  Dusty’s attention to detail and understanding of the nuances in collecting Mass Spec data has ensured we are aligned with the drilling team and are getting accurate data.  We have been able to use his analysis to help us understand potential liquids rich targets throughout our column which has allowed us to pinpoint our rock eval and oil GC targets.  Dusty was also able to show water wet signatures that align with both our production and mapping of top of gas.  I have used Mass Spec in the past and his understanding and analysis of the data has far exceeded my previous experiences.  We will definitely continue to use this team going forward on our program.”

    - Rob Zaback | Reservoir Manager | Koda Resources

  • “Thank you for your excellent work on the well. Your reporting was first class. I look forward to working with you on the next well.”

    - Johnny Rutherford | Consulting Geologist | Smith Energy Company